Today I stop all this resistance around writing a weekly blog on living a good fat life.
Starting today, my daughter and I will journey together on doing Keto all the way, because it is time. I personally have been dancing around not making a lifestyle commitment to eating in a way that supports my absolute best self for my whole life. There is always some special event, holiday, boredom, (fill in the blank) that gives me an excuse to wait until Monday. I have finally come to understand now that I’m older and paying more attention to real cause and effect vs the latest diet fad that our bodies are chemical factories, that is similar to a lab. That is why we take pills or have a drink when we want to feel better. The chemicals (or alcohol) literally alters the chemistry in our bodies. Food is the same way.
I am so curious to see what will happen to our my mind, body, and energy when we live as a fat burner, not a sugar burner. This is a change at our bodies deepest level. We have only dabbled in this even though so much evidence shows the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience of making the change. What if all our hormones and body systems align into perfect balance? Plus any inflammation that is causing a slow burn inside goes away? I seriously wonder what this would feel like. I’ve heard stories of people dreaming in vivid color vs black and white, others who lose their bellies (pre and post-menopausal), and women with energy they don’t know what to do with – because it is so foreign to them. I must admit the flat belly would really be a new experience! Even when I was 18 and 115 pounds, I couldn’t wear a belt around my hips. Remember the hip huggers? Not on my planet. Sorry I digress. My daughter, Kylee who is in her mid 30’s, who is taking this journey with me, wants to share this experience, this new lifestyle, together, that will be from very different perspectives and stages of life. Both of us have been eating pretty clean (on and off) for the past few years. Very little sugar, no processed foods, and healthy fats. I have found that I am gluten intolerant which has also been a big change in diet, as I love bread. Kylee and I know we don’t have our macro’s right as evidenced by the shape of our bodies. We have also been learning that women and men have very different protocols when eating Keto, and most of the information available focuses on the men’s version. Kind of reminds me of the heart disease discussion.
We have also found that much of the information requires a medical degree to understand or the info is packaged in a four-hour smarmy sales presentation that makes me want to scream and throw things. You won’t find that here.
My blog will focus on my daughter and myself respective Keto journey in simple language that we can all understand with no fluff. Did I mention that Kylee has two adorable daughters under the age of 4? And that they live near Montreal and speak French as their first language? Again I digress. While these details are important to the story we can come back to them in a later blog.
For now, we will focus on creating a journal of finding our Keto lifestyle or practice, as I am sure that is what it will become. This will help us stay intentional and focused, as we have committed to you dear reader to stay on task. At least we won’t wander too far……
Until next week. So much to share. Stay tuned.
Sherri and Kylee