This article will detail the benefits of apple cider vinegar and how it can help you get into ketosis.
When you look up the benefits of apple cider vinegar, just a simple search online, you’ll find it has the same benefits as ketosis: healthy cholesterol, weight loss, healthy blood sugar, restful sleep, decreased joint pain, decreased allergies, regulated pH (which means it’s helping with lactic acidosis), etc. This is because apple cider vinegar raises the ketone levels in your blood.
ACV helps with ketosis because of what it’s made of: it contains malic acid, which is a ketone precursor (meaning that is helps to facilitate the production of ketones in the body) to acetoacetic acid which is one of the three ketone bodies. Therefore, one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it raises the ketone levels in your blood. Conveniently, of the three ketone bodies, acetoacetic acid is the simplest and is easiest for the body to break down.
What Doctors Say

Bragg’s ACV With The Mother. The “mother” is strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky appearance. … This turns into acetic acid, which is the active ingredient in vinegar.
Doctors online say that apple cider vinegar fixes acid reflux by raising the acid level in the stomach to digest food better, because when the stomach’s not digesting food well because it’s too alkaline. This condition is called alkalosis. It’s true that ACV helps to remedy acid reflux, and that it helps negate stomach alkalosis, but the actual source of the issue is lactic acidosis. If you treat lactic acidosis, you treat a whole-body blood poison problem, a very common mechanism causing chronic disease, and thus avoid the alkaline stomach issue in the first place. Here’s my video talking about how lactic acidosis is more important to treat than alkalosis.
So the best route is to treat acidosis in order to fix alkalosis. I treated alkalosis for 19 years, and I wasn’t happy with the results. Ever since I figured out acidosis in March of 2016, I’m getting much better results with patients, and the results are lasting.
ACV Can Make Candida Worse
Now, yeast, mold, fungus, and candida can live on ketones, so be aware that ACV can make your yeast or fungal problem, if you have one, worse. You want to kill the yeast; you want to restore the microbiome in the body before attempting ketosis. To do that, do the anti-fungal diet to get rid of that yeast and repair the microbiome. Then you can try to take in apple cider vinegar and get into ketosis.
There’s a book I read from the 1950s called Vermont Folk Medicine, and it’s about a doctor who opened up a practice in rural Vermont in a dairy town. Nobody came to see him because the townspeople were all pretty healthy from eating high-fat dairy and cheese and butter and consuming apple cider vinegar. They may have been going into ketosis a few times a year without even knowing it, especially in the wintertime, so the doctor had to go and meet the people out in the community. They were all drinking apple cider vinegar and honey, so basically the book documents the effects of consuming apple cider vinegar plus honey versus not consuming it. The book may be the longest study on ketosis despite the word ketosis not even being in the book.
Yours in health,
Dr. Darren Schmidt